"In the future, the value of your vote will become less than zero. That happens when the amount you pay in taxes to have your own vote counted is less than the value you get from the vote itself." - Scott Adams

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More Stupidity Ahead...

The so called corporate world is highly maddening.If this is perceived as hitting the nail on the forehead I would like to hammer it with all my vigor.Every passing day presents more of this, I have even started suspecting if its only me who's doing all the complaining.
The very first ritual that you are supposed to carry out once you are introduced to someone is to send/receive a friend request on facebook to/from the person concerned.

Mr/Ms X: "You are not on Facebook? How come?"
Me: He...He... Just like that..He .. He .. ( Is it of national interest?!?!)

And one of those junta even asked me ( with the most serious intonation )
"Then what do you do all day in office?"
I wish I could give a smart and curt reply for that question by just splurting out-
"What is everyone supposed to do in office?"
-but obviously end up with more of: "He .. He.."

Another practice which is practised with much hesitance by the minions and 'encouraged' with affected smiles on their faces by the managers/colleagues is : calling them by their first names.Friends ! Indians! Countrymen! We may be working for a US concern.But still have our feet on our own soil.Submission to higher authority is in our blood.So the next time you call your superior "Sir/Madam" and get a reply like "Please call be Kumar/Sneha/..." kindly understand that you are required to continue calling them "Sir/Madam" for the rest of your days in that company. ( By the way I say "days" as I have seen as many as 9 people leaving my company in the last four months ) Don't miss on these cues, which is why I say "constant vigilance".

To Be Continued...

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