"In the future, the value of your vote will become less than zero. That happens when the amount you pay in taxes to have your own vote counted is less than the value you get from the vote itself." - Scott Adams

Thursday, March 24, 2011

India (B)leaks

All the hue and cry about the WikiLeaks India Cables is utterly unnecessary. These revelations (or should u call them so? I doubt it...) have done nothing more than say, publicly declaring the nitty gritties of India's 'well known' foreign policy (FP). That our country's FP is written in the wilderness of the wild wild west (that's quite an alliteration !!) is an open secret. But what really caught the public by surprise was the extent to which the US interferes even in India's internal affairs.

Some of the after effects of the India Cables accessed by The Hindu through the WikiLeaks (oh..the technicalities of the media !) ....
-> It has given more fodder to the eternally hungry media
-> More reasons for the opposition to stall the proceedings of the Parliament
-> More humour every day like...

            >>Pranab Mukherjee’s rare finding that the Government is not answerable to the
            15th Lok Sabha for its actions in the 14th LS. Any sane person would think twice
            before making such a ‘technical’ statement.

            >>Narendra Modi taking huge pleasure in being called ‘incorruptible’ and having no
            remorse about his inaction during the 2002 post Godhra riots.

            >>PM’s latest face saving statement, “Advaniji thinks it is his birthright to become
            the PM of India...hence he has never forgiven me..” I personally did not expect
            such a private remark from a person of his stature...very unlike Dr.Singh.

Pursue a constant vigil for more.....

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